Completely blown away to be included in Jo Bradford’s new book View Point
2023 iPhone Photography Awards
I'm extremely pleased once again to have Honourable Mentions in the 16th annual iPhone Photography awards. This year I have two, the first in the Still Life category and the second in the Lifestyle category.
2021 iPhone Photography Awards
I'm extremely pleased once again to have Honourable Mentions in the 14th annual iPhone Photography awards. This year I have two, the first in the Still Life category and the second in the Lifestyle category.
The App Whisperer Interview
I am honoured to have been interviewed for Read it here.
2017 MIRA Mobile Photo Prize
VSCO Selects
2015 iPhone Photography Awards
WeAreGrryo - Suggested User
Especially pleased to have been a suggested user by WeAreGryyo. Click on the image below to see the feature and also check out their website.
Mobile Photography Awards 2014
I am amazed to have received three honourable mentions in the 4th Annual Mobile Photography Awards - 2014. I am extremely pleased by all three, but pleasantly surprised to have awards in Still Life and Macro as these have been my first attempts in these categories.
Thank you to all the judges for your hard work!
WeAreGrryo - What's in a name?
Thanks a lot to Todd Leban for putting this fascinating article together and allowing me to be part of it!
TZIPAC 4mm Magazine
I am extremely pleased to be featured on page 102 of issue 4 the TZIPAC 43mm magazine as part of an article on AMPt. There are nudes in this issue, so beware if viewing in work!
2014 iPhone Photography Awards
I am incredibly pleased to have two honourable mentions in the People category in the 8th annual IPPA!
The Empty Spaces Project - Mobile Masters 2014 Exhibition
Mobile Masters 2014
Mobile Photography Awards 2013
I am extremely proud to have gained two honourable mentions in the Self Portrait category!
AMPt & Mobiography best of 2013 challenge
I made it into the final 9 of the AMPt Community & Mobiography Magazine best of 2013 challenge!